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When faced with the possibility of being bullied

Don’t forget, use the three P’s!

  • PREVENT- We can prevent a fight when we are AWARE of a bully before he or she is aware of us.
  • PREPARE- We can prevent a fight when we learn to TALK our way out of a fight BEFORE it happens.  We can stop a bully from hurting us, with out hurting the bully.
  • PROTECT- We can stop a bully from hurting us by getting out of the way, by learning martial arts self-defence skills to go along with the Mental Self-Defence used when we prevent and prepare.

The 3 P’s – Prevent, Prepare, Protect.  Say Prevent… say prepare… say protect…  These are 3 ways to defend yourself if you are ever approached or attacked by a bully.
PREVENT – We can prevent a fight when we are AWARE of a bully before he or she is aware of us.  We look at how the bully looks, and what the bully says.
Example: I walk down the street and notice, in the distance, a tall kid coming my way.  He’s hitting bushes w/a stick, slapping kids on the shoulder, and shouting angry words at them.  I’m AWARE that this bully is walking toward me.
PREPARE – We can prevent a fight when we learn to TALK our way out of a fight BEFORE it happens.  We can stop a bully from hurting us, w/o hurting the bully.  I’m going to talk about 6 ways to do that.  We call them Bully Busters:
1)   Ignore the bully.  Let the bully shout at you.  Tell yourself that you don’t have to get back at the bully.  Ignore the bully as if he/she weren’t there.  And keep walking.
2)   Agree w/the bully.  If the bully calls you names, agree.  When the bully passes, say “Yeah, you’re right.”  Wave and keep walking.
3)   Be nice to the bully.  Treat the bully as a friend instead of an enemy.  Tell the bully you’re upset, too.  Tell him you understand that the world is in a mess, and both of you deserve to be angry.  Then keep walking.
4)   Walk away from the bully.  Don’t get into it, just walk away.  Move to the other side of the room or hall or yard if you can, when you see the bully coming.  Say nothing.  Keep walking.
5)   Refuse to fight.  The winner of a fight is the one who prevents it.  Stick up for yourself.  Just say no to fighting!  I’m not going to fight you.  I don’t want either of us to get hurt.
6)   Call for help.  Call a teacher, a friendly adult, a police officer.  Get other kids to help you find more help.  Or yell, Help! As loud as you can.  Call anyone who can help you stop a fight before it happens.
The 3rd P is PROTECT – We can stop a bully from hurting us by getting out of the way, however if this is not the case, we are allowed to use our blocks as well as our kicking and punching as a last resort.

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